I was recently browsing through twitter users i might want to follow and came across Mayor Newsom and read he had posted a tweat asking people to visit this site:
http://www.actblue.com/page/gavinnewsom/To help him start his campaign for California Governor. I am all for him as our new governor, he's young, fresh and has great ideas and social tolerance. I think he is what this great state of ours needs. I don't generally get involved in campaigns, especially on a state or congressional level. In fact President Obama's was the first i ever contributed to because he inspired me so, I see a lot of him in Gavin Newsom and i hope he wins this upcoming election. I've become more interested since that crazy ebay lady said she wanted to run and once i read about her shouted in my head "hell no!"
BTW, I don't work for him or anything, i saw this and didn't see it posted elsewhere so i wanted to share, because until recently i had only heard it was a rumor that he was going to run.
Here's his main site: