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Will the Victim of Fresno Police Beating be sent to Gulag?
This is an update about what happened to Glen Beaty, the homeless man who was beaten by Fresno Police on February 9. The video of the incident was shown around the world. have to get past the commercial.. it is horrific, and NO one held accountable)
Rather than conducting a transparent independent investigation of this apparent excessive force incident, local government, the police, and the criminal justice system have held Beaty in Jail, had him declared mentally incompetent to assist in his own defense, and are in the process of having him shipped to a state mental institution. While this sounds like something that might have happened in the Soviet Union (shipping political dissidents and people who know inconvenient truths to Siberia), it is business as usual in Fresno.
Beaty should not be sent to a U.S. Gulag where he may never be heard from again. The Community Alliance newspaper demands that the truth be told about this incident, that Beaty is not further victimized, and that more transparency is used in the affairs of this city’s government.
Unfortunately, there is no support group for Glen except for a couple people trying to be at his trial. They had to say: The hearing got postponed until Thursday, May 28th at 8:30 a.m. One thing I learned is that it is significant that the police wanted to press charges resulting from the February 9 incident, but the DA decided not to file. So, Glen is only being held on some outstanding issues that happened a couple of years ago.
I'm just trying to keep this issue alive so that it doesn't get swept under the rug, so that they (the police, courts, etc) are not able to victimize Glen again, and so the police are held accountable for their actions of Feb 9.
This is not an exaggeration of him being sent far away.. it happens
So here is what we CAN do ASAP, no matter where we live:
Please call and/or write:
Fresno District Attorney, Elizabeth Egan
("It is the victim that counts." ~ Elizabeth A. Egan)
Phone: 559-488-3141
2220 Tulare St. Ste 1000
Fresno, CA 93721.
1. Why hasn't a full investigation been completed by now on the police beating of Mr. Beaty? Demand a full police report be release to Mr. Beaty's attorney, as well has the name of the officer's involved in the beating.
2. Tell her you are concerned Mr. Beaty is being held in Fresno Jail on a no bail felony and concerned for his welfare, especially since he might be sent to a mental institution.
Call CA Attorney General and demand he send a team to independently investigate the Fresno P.D. beating of Mr. Beaty and also the fact Mr. Beaty is being charged with a no bail felony.
Attorney General Gerry Brown.
Voice: (916) 322-3360 or (800) 952-5225
Attorney General's Office
California Department of Justice
Attn: Public Inquiry Unit
P.O. Box 944255
Sacramento, CA 94244-2550
Thanks for your help,