Info from Dr. Michelle Roland, Chief of CA Dept of Public Health/Office of AIDS (OA). The Governor's proposal may be a budget bargaining tool, yet deep cuts are expected at OA. This would be the worst case scenario. OA and local AIDS programs are taking this seriously. ~ pinto The California Legislature has received a second proposal on Thursday afternoon. It differs from a previous proposal published May 21, 2009 by the Governor’s Office.
Thursday’s Proposal Includes:
100% elimination of State General Fund support to all Office of AIDS Programs.
The State's General Fund annually provides funding for:
80% of HIV Education and Prevention programs
76% of HIV Counseling and Testing programs
84.5% of Epidemiology and Surveillance programs
51.2% of Early Intervention programs (EIP)
100% of PCR and Immuno/Phenotype Assays
23% of AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP)
31% of Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA)
54% of Home/Community Based Care
(The balance of funding comes from the federal Ryan White Care Act. That funding could eventually be in jeopardy under a "Maintenance of Effort" requirement for states to receive Ryan White funds.)
If you have a few minutes, please call your CA State Assembly member on this. . Budget hearings are currently underway.
Thanks, pinto