corporations tallying all the votes with 'TRADE SECRET,' PROPRIETARY programming code!
The truth is that, even with optiscans and a paper ballot backup, we cannot know who won any given election, since 99% of those paper ballots never see the light of day. We still have only a 1% audit (automatic handcount) in California, with 'TRADE SECRET' code in all the voting machines and central tabulators. Contrast with Venezuela, which uses OPEN SOURCE CODE programming in their voting machines--anyone may review the code by which votes are counted--AND handcounts a whopping 55% of the votes, as a check on machine fraud. That's why Venezuelans have universal health care, and free education through college, and we do not. That's why Venezuelans are enjoying a leftist revolution, and we are not.
It's very, very simple, in this respect. Transparent, publicly witnessed vote counting is THE bottom-line condition for democracy. That is why the corpo/fascists who rule over us removed the counting of our votes behind a veil of secrecy. There is no other reason for non-transparent vote counting except stealing elections.
And we shouldn't fooled that DRE's (no paper trail) are the only problem. DRE's are just the avant garde of the fascist coup we have suffered; optiscans are the corpo/fascist fallback position--slightly less riggable, but still riggable.
Of course there had to be a lot of corruption, over the last few decades, to reach this point of audacious, corpo/fascist-rigged elections. The 'TRADE SECRET' code coup happened quickly, during the 2002 to 2004 period--spurred by a $3.9 billion electronic voting boondoggle from the Anthrax Congress--but there was a blatantly stolen election just prior to that (the 2000 Supreme Court crowning of Bush/Cheney) and a long history of money/lobbying corruption, which emboldened our Corporate Rulers. We as a People have been less than vigilant over our democracy. To be sure, great effort has been expended to confuse and brainwash us, and it is rather amazing how in tact our democratic ideals and progressive views still are, under such assault. But we do need to wake up from all that brainwashing and take back our country--as the people of Latin American are doing.
I support leftist political activism on all fronts, on all issues. But I'm with you that the most fundamental change we need--the change that enables all other change--is a return to vote counting that everyone can see and understand. Until we achieve this--and it is a fight that must be won at the state/local level (Congress ain't gonna do it!)--we will continue to be looted and oppressed.