on the KOGO website:
Workers Protest Governor's Proposed CutsState union members ask the California Legislature to come up with different options to cut costs.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
California state workers are staging protests and signing petitions---all in an effort to tell the Governor no more pay cuts.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed a budget that could slash state employees' paychecks by an additional 5-percent. But a state budget committee rejected the Governor's plan. Nearly seventy-five San Diego members of the Service Employees International Union 1000 picketed and protested outside a Mission Valley state office Building. Spokesperson Dianne Bradford says she doesn't trust the Governor because she knows with a stroke of a pen, he has veto power.
Bradford says state workers have already experienced a pay cut through furloughs. She says if union members are nailed with another pay cut it could mean the difference between a worker making a house or car payment or being able to afford food.
The Governor says he would not approve a budget papered with more taxes and fees.
edit to add: Don't know if that was it, but it was in Mission Valley.