Monday's Rally Has National Significance
We need you there!
We need your help calling our phone tree!
Picket for Single Payer Healthcare
At a Luncheon for
Health & Human Services Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius
11am Mon., June 22
SF Fairmont Hotel - 950 Mason
Dear Single Payer Activist,
Please picket with us on Monday, June 22, from 11am to 12:15 at a $500 Democratic
Party luncheon featuring Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. The
picket will be at San Francisco's Fairmont Hotel at 950 Mason.
It is very important that Secretary Sebelius knows there is a vibrant movement for
single payer. As you know, discussion of Medicare for All ( HR 676 ) has been ruled
of the table. Monday's picket is a very important part of the national campaign to
have single payer ideas discussed.
We need you participation.
We need you to call 5 or 10 or 25 people on our Action Alert list.
Asking someone in a live conversation is the best way to build events. And over
50% of our activists do not have email.
Attached is a leaflet. Please forward this alert.
Please let us know how you can help.
__ I plan to attend the picket.
__ I can help call our phone tree.
__ I will post a leaflet.
__ My organization _________ endorses the picket.
__ I have forwarded this alert.
__ I can help hold a large banner on Monday.
Suggested signs include
Healthcare Yes! Insurance Companies No!
Support HR 676
Stop Banning Discussion of Single Payer Legislation
Put Single Payer on the Table
Medicare for All
On June 16 on NPR radio Sebelius said
Interviewer: Can you say flat out it's just never going to be single-payer health
insurance, and we're going to try to write it, if we can, so that itwon't ever be?
Secretary Sebelius: "Oh I think that's very much the case,." At this moment, the California Alliance for Retired Americans, the California Nurses
Assn., the SF Gray Panthers, Act Up East Bay, International Socialist Organization,
and Single Payer Now have endorsed Monday's picket
Thank you.
Don Bechler
Chair - Single Payer Now