Senate Democrats joined their Assembly colleagues this afternoon in using a legislative loophole to pass a budget solution and tax increase without a single Republican vote.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, however, reiterated that he will veto the Democrats’ plan, passed with a simple majority. Typically, budgets and tax increases require a two-thirds majority. With a little more than a third of the State Legislature controlled by Republicans, that means Democrats need some GOP support to get their agenda through.
However, in December, Senate Leader Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, uncovered a loophole that would allow Democrats to increase taxes while decreasing others, so that the net impact is zero.This move allows Democrats to pass a budget and tax increases on a simple majority vote.
The Democrats plan was vetoed by the governor in December, but Democrats have held the idea of a simple majority vote in reserve for a rainy day. And today, they say, it’s pouring. If something isn’t done to address the $24.3 billion budget deficit by the end of tomorrow, the state will begin issuing IOUs.
In an attempt to avoid the IOUs, the Democrats pulled the simple majority card late Sunday, when the Assembly passesd the budget plan.
With the clock ticking, Republicans have rejected the Democrats’ plan because it includes tax increases and it falls short of addressing the entire deficit.
The governor shares the Republicans’ opposition and has repeatedly said - Sunday, today, last week - that he will veto the Democrats’ simple majority plan.
Steinberg, the Senate Leader, concluded the voting this morning by saying he’s still willing to work with the GOP and the governor to craft a full solution to the deficit before the IOUs go out. At 4 pm today, the Senate is scheduled to vote on a budget package that would delay the issuance of IOUs for several weeks. The package was approved in the Assembly last week, but it was previously blocked by Senate Republicans.
The Senate will try to pass it this afternoon, even though the governor has said he’ll veto it.