Constitutional Convention. He filed in response to the business-led, limited, and secretive Constitutional Convention campaign by the group "Repair California".
Here is in article about his initiatives in the SF Examiner initiatives can be read here: California Constitutional Convention Facebook page is here:
Our six basic principles:
1.) We claim our right to fair and open election of our Constitutional Convention Delegates.
2.) We claim our right to use fair and open publicly owned voting systems, which are open to public inspection by all, and do not use trade secret software.
3.) We claim our right to have our delegates campaign restricted to public-funded campaigns, so all can participate on a level playing field, free from collusion with, or knowledge of, and outside control by any private or special interests.
4.) We grant our elected delegates be bound only by their personal good conscience in all Convention votes on our behalf, for our common welfare, in all matters placed before our Constitutional Convention.
5.) We claim our right to open every component part of our California Constitution for review, evaluation, repair, and modification, so as to empower our elected Delegates to re-write our Constitution for the 21st Century and beyond.
6.) We claim our right to ratify the new finished California State Constitution.
We commit to all these six points. and pledge our support for our campaign and our efforts forward, as Citizens of the Golden State of California, to qualify and pass proposed Constitutional Articles 36 and 37.