New Campaign Name, This New Website,
New Interactivity, and A New Plan to WIN
including a 365-day Ad Campaign
DONATE all you can to make it happen
Welcome to your new SB 810 Coalition Campaign Website. Here you値l learn, you値l meet like-minded single payer pioneers, you値l connect with new friends and political leaders, and you値l get active.
So snoop around. Comment on this Blog. Create your own web page or group on our Social Network. Connect to Facebook, MySpace, Linkedin and Twitter. Check out a new statewide Events Calendar. Download SB 810 Petition Forms and campaign materials. And more.
With your generous DONATION NOW, we値l be adding more services to help us fix health care forever: daily California single payer updates that you can subscribe to via RSS. Campaign Gear: DVD痴, tee-shirts, coffee mugs, lawn signs.
And, you can join now a nearby chapter of Health Care for All, a sponsoring organization behind SB 810.
Coming soon: the new California OneCare ad campaign where you値l see a new powerful, game-changing :30 second TV spot each day for a year.
This is perhaps the human rights fight of this generation. And single payer for California is our only cause: one plan, one efficient system, one high quality care.
Full care, for all, for less. With your HELP, we know WE WILL WIN!
CaliforniaOneCare Campaign for SB 810