So, 20-some odd days into the fiscal year it would appear that the California State Legislature has finally managed to pull a budget out of their collective rectums. I use this particularly unpleasant metaphor, because much like the objects that usually exit the body through that orifice, this budget is crap. In essence, the $24 Billion dollar gap in our budget has been plugged by a combination of $15 Billion in cuts, and borrowing from local governments. That’s right folks, we will be slashing education and social services, while continuing to indulge in the “creative accounting practices” that got us here in the first place. Furthermore, it’s not exactly like the local communities (city and county governments) are rolling in dough. The combination of high unemployment, massive foreclosures and an ongoing recession have nailed local revenues through income, sales and property taxes. In essence, we are robbing Peter to pay Paul, unfortunately, Peter is already flat broke, and Paul has hired a guy with brass knuckles to collect from us.
As to the cuts, we shouldn’t be shocked, after all everything that was cut was on the GOP hit list, but it’s still discouraging. Billions have been cut from the CSU and UC systems, health care for the poor, and the Healthy Families program which covered uninsured children. Once again we have balanced the state budget on the backs of the poor and young, no one’s taxes were raised, no greater actions have been taken to ensure fiscal responsibility in the future, but the top 1% in this state remain safely ensconced atop their fortunes, unmolested by the ruin occurring around them. In the mean time, we plow the poor further into destitution, increase the misery of the already miserable, and impoverish the future of this state by both decreasing the quality of the education future Californians can look forward to, while making the increasingly degraded State University systems here all the more expensive, thus placing them beyond the reach of those it was originally set up to benefit.
In essence we have been sent a unmistakably clear message from the older, privileged classes in this state: “Screw you, we’ve got ours.”