SACRAMENTO — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has sunk to an all-time low among Californians in a new survey that also finds that residents, while strongly in favor of environmental regulations, want to slow down on environmental reforms while the economy is still taking a beating.
Schwarzenegger's job approval rating is now at 28 percent, according to a poll by the Public Policy Institute of California, comparable to the ratings faced by former Gov. Gray Davis before he was recalled in 2003.
The poll of 2,501 adults was taken July 7-21, at the height of budget negotiations but before the $26 billion deficit had been resolved. Ironically, Schwarzenegger had attempted to appeal to populist sentiment by refusing to consider taxes as a way to climb out of the budget hole, using a combination of cuts, fund shifts and borrowing instead.
"A lot of the cuts being made were not popular, and he really took the lead and was out front on what he said was needed — staying firm on not raising taxes — so the entire deal has his fingerprints," said Melissa Michelson, a political science professor at Cal State East Bay. "I hear from a lot of people who would have understood if some taxes were raised. Raising taxes on the wealthy sure would have been more palatable than cuts on students, elderly and children."