San Francisco ChronicleRICHMOND, CALIF. -- A domestic dispute turned deadly Tuesday night when a distraught boyfriend killed a woman toll collector in her booth and shot another toll collector in a parking lot at the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, police said.
Authorities identified the suspect as Nathaniel Burris, 46, who was at large Tuesday night after fleeing the scene in an airport shuttle van. Public records show he lived in Richmond with the slain toll collector, Deborah Ross, 51.
The man shot and killed nearby was not identified, but authorities said he was a toll collector who had driven Ross to work and was in his 40s.
... The couple's friend told The Chronicle Burris had taken a job with the company in June after losing his truck-driving job last spring and struggling to find another.
The friend said Ross had her own struggles, getting pneumonia earlier this summer and missing work for several weeks. She returned to work this week. The friend also said she had recently had her hours cut and was behind on rent payments.
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