"The Los Angeles Board of Education approved a plan Tuesday that would allow outside groups to run up to a third of all district campuses, including 50 new multi-million dollar campuses coming on line and more than 200 under-performing schools.
The plan also drew strong opposition from labor leaders, who threatened to take legal action to block the plan, which they called a scheme to break up the unions and privatize public education in Los Angeles."
Considering that Arnold has been attacking teachers, schools, firefighters, health care and nursing, and the rest of CA infrastructure since he got into office, and will not tax the rich to fix what he has purposely broken, how can it be a surprise to anyone that privatization has been his plan all along? He's taken the same course Bush did with FEMA ("Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job") per Hurricane Katrina...action and inaction with destruction as a result, as well as an open door for increasing power grabs...
Consider that Enron >>created<< the conditions under which Arnold got into office in the first place (after a failed initiative to change the Constitution specifically on Arnold's behalf). Enron planned schemes in advance, a newspaper headline read, and their crimes are certainly well-known and documented. However, it is unconfirmed that Arnold is said to have taken meetings with Enron prior to the trouble period. It is however worth noting that Enron were huge Bush supporters.
So why is anyone surprised that Arnold is just another Bushie, that he has the same agenda, does the same things, and mocks us as he gets what he wanted all along?
Why will no one stop him, when all trends point to severe, lasting damage? Rising unemployment? Greatly increased suffering among the weak and poor? Are we going to sit here again, like with did with Bush for eight years, and merely hope that it stops on its own? Remember that private schools can teach what they want, including creationism, a removal of sex education, etc. This sort of thing has been the Republican agenda for decades; during Reagan, they offered their ideas to voters, and lost. Now, they create causes and conditions in which they may simply take over, completely...
"Republican Karl Rove and other commentators had speculated about a permanent political realignment in favor of the GOP...", "GOP"
What a surprise that they are out there, making such things happen. It is up to us to stop them, because obviously, they have no interest in slowing down.