I had a phone conversation with Campaign Manager Andrew Peake. Dr. Bill Durston ran against Dan Lungren in Ca-3, 04, 06, 08. Dr Bill has passed the torch to Gary Davis who is currently sits on the city council in Elk Grove.
I was a big supporter of Bill Durston.
http://journals.democraticunderground.com/asdjrocky/87Now it looks like I may become a bigger part of Garys' campaign than I was in 08 with the Durston campaign and I'd like to know what other Duers know about him.
I know he calls himself a common sense Progressive.
I know he supports HB3200.
According to Andrew he's a strong believer in being accountable and answerable to his constituents. "Gary’s goal is to be a true community representative in Congress."
Andrew also told me Gary jumped into the race after Dan Lungren refused to forward on requests for road and police funding for neighborhoods that need it. My thoughts on this is roads and police funding mean job funding, something desperately needed in Ca.
I have to say I like what I hear so far. I know Lungren is a long, uphill battle, but if you take a look at Gary he might just be the right Dem for the district. Again, I'd love to talk to anyone that knows him or has information about him because I so value the opinion of so many duers.
Also, he has a fund raiser coming up on Sept 10 that I have the info on and I've been invited to bring a few people, so feel free to pm me for info.
Here's his site-