East County MagazineSeptember 16, 2009 (San Diego) – San Diego County Sheriff’s Department notified media today that it would hold a demonstration of its highly controversial “sonic weapon.” What was demonstrated, however, was only the loudspeaker capability of the device—a feature which has effectively been used in search-and-rescue operations and to broadcast messages during a sandcastle contest. The sonic weapons switch, capable of emitting tones loud enough to damage ear drums or worse, has now been “disabled,” Sheriff’s Lieutenant Ed Musgrove informed the media at the end of the event. (View our video: But concerns remain.
“If you accidentally flip that switch and someone is within a 30-foot range, they can have their eardrums burst, bleeding in the inner ear, and it can result in an aneurysm or death,” reporter Kim Dvorac from said in an interview on KCBQ radio’s Rick Amato show last night , citing a source in the Department of Defense .
“The officers shown at this town hall meeting (for Susan Davis) were using this within 30 feet of townhall attendees and other officers,” she added. Dvorac published two stories on the Sheriff’s deployment of LRADs (long-range acoustic devices) after East County Magazine) broke the story on Friday , creating a firestorm of controversy.
As we reported, LRADs have been used to repel insurgents in Iraq and to prevent piracy of ships aboard the high seas. Dvorac, who said she has spoken to various sources who have served in the Middle East and who are familiar with the use of LRADs, added this clarification. “They are also using this over in Iraq and Afghanistan to target terrorists in crowds, to take them out and save people around them…This can be pointed directly at you and it will burst your eardrums, but the person on the right or left will not be harmed by this.” She added that she could find no support in her research or among experts interviewed for use of LRADs as crowd control devices—the use for which Sheriff Gore says he purchased the device.
Our story, a joint investigation with Liberty One Radio, sparked a flurry of comments critical of the Sheriff, drawing national media coverage. USA Today picked up the story, along with major conservative and liberal blogs. At a Sheriff’s debate Saturday co-hosted by ECM editor Miriam Raftery and KCBQ Radio’s Rick Amato, the crowd turned unruly when a question about the sonic weapons was posed by Dvorac. Three other candidates for Sheriff condemned Sheriff Bill Gore for approving LRADs at public rallies.
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Moderators - I'm the author and give permission to publish a bit more than the 4 paragraph minimum. I thought it significant that event the other candidates for Sheriff, including very conservative Republicans, all condemned the use of sonic weapons by law enforcement. Issa and Hunter weren't too keen on finding out these weapons had been rolled out at a town hall forum where they were speaking, either.
Please click on the link to our story and post some comments there, too!