SPENCER MICHELS: San Franciscans are intoxicated with their area's beauty. With the majestic Golden Gate Bridge just a few miles away, the western span of the Bay Bridge a handsome double-deck suspension structure, local politicians pushed for a brand-new, eye-catching bridge rather than trying to repair the vulnerable eastern span. Leading the charge was Willie Brown, former legislative leader who was mayor of San Francisco at the time.
WILLIE BROWN, Former San Francisco Mayor: You certainly don't want what you have on the eastern side of the span. It's horrible to continuously look at. I don't even know how they got away with building that part of the span so unaesthetically attractive and building the west side of the span so aesthetically attractive.
SPENCER MICHELS: Steve Heminger, executive director of the Bay Area's Metropolitan Transportation Commission, says the fights were intense.
STEVE HEMINGER, Metropolitan Transportation Commission: We fought about the design of the bridge, we fought about whether the bridge should have a bicycle or pedestrian path, we fought about where the bridge should go, we fought about whether there ought to be train tracks on the new bridge.
SPENCER MICHELS: The fighting brought delays, which, as prices increased, helped raise the cost of the span by billions, partly paid for, after another fight, by increased tolls.