Glendale News PressGLENDALE — When resident Stephen Brown learned last year that the city had enacted citywide smoking restrictions, he looked forward to sitting outside at his favorite coffee shop and breathing in the fresh air. “For the past year I have been looking forward to the day when the patio will be smoke-free so that I may enjoy the outdoors. That day has not yet arrived,” he said.
Enforcement has been especially difficult at certain smoking “hot spots” — which include the coffee shop Brown frequents — where patrons are set in their smoking ways, she said.
The City Council is set to revisit the ordinance next month — at which point Jimenez said city officials plan to ask that the warning requirement be removed. In the wake of the city’s education campaign, which included stickers, banners, posters and advertisements, most residents should now be aware of the law, she said.
Amiee Klem, a Glendale resident who actively supported the smoking restrictions, said that she has noticed significant progress, but that there are still improvements that can be made. “I do think that getting rid of the warning is a good idea,” she said. “Their warning has been a year long.”
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A glimpse of the inevitable future.