I suspect that California's insurance laws protect Californians better than this Senate bill would. In fact, I suspect but do not know for sure that the insurance companies are trying to pre-empt California's laws. With this bill, I suspect that some of the really lousy policies that are now illegal in California could be sold in our state.
This bill would pre-empt all the hard work California's legislature did to reform health care in California. It would also prohibit Californians from ever having single payer. We have been just a governor's signature away from that point, and we could get there again. Please, for the sake of California, call Senators Feinstein and Boxer and your representative and then e-mail them to make the point that this bill as proposed at this time would damage Californians.
Don't put this off. This bill could cost Californians a lot of money. We are the cash cow of the country (along with New York).