If you want to do something charming on a Monday night in San Francisco, your wish has been answered.
Mondays, Jan. 4, Feb. 1, Mar. 1, 8ish-10ish Cafe Royale, 800 Post @ Leavenworth
"My solo-ish show at Cafe Royale, "Plays His Favorite Beatles Songs AND Accompanies You On Yours!", found such favor among the management and the other dozen people who attended that it has been revived on a First Monday basis: January 4, February 1, and March 1. If the draw keeps doubling as it did between my first and second stabs, then by the year 2025 I will have more customers than there are atoms in the universe."
I have no idea why Joshua is doing this. He's much in demand and probably spends more time in flight between gigs than most musicians spend at paying gigs. Don't tell too many people. Let's make him work it.