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468 more Dems needed for Fresno to be blue

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padia Donating Member (355 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-02-10 09:10 PM
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468 more Dems needed for Fresno to be blue
According to the county clerk Fresno is almost blue, and we want to take it out of CD19 (Radonavich). On Saturday 1-16-10 we will be meeting @ 1304 E. Olive in Fresno 93728 @ 11:00am brief, pair up, get our precincts assignments & wrap up our day by 5:00pm. Members of the State Party are working with Take Back Red California, the local Party is calling volunteers & club members & I am making this post for DUer's that can make Fresno by late morning on a Saturday. The county clerk has till 1-26-10 to send the info for the 154 days before the election report. We were wanting to have it published that Fresno has more democrats than anything else for the first of the year report. If you would like to come help PM me & I will get you RSVP'd so we can make sure we have enough walk list & clipboards for everyone, or show up & we will figure something out.
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tularetom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-02-10 10:16 PM
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1. Please don't take Fresno out of District 19
There are like, NO Democrats in our part of the district. Without Fresno there'd be zilch chance of electing a Dem to that seat.

Thank God, Radanovich is retiring, but if we don't keep the party registrations somewhat in balance we'll never get decent representation.

Radanovich is a total loser. I had several contacts with him on open space and grazing land issues and the man was just too dumb to be effective even if he wanted to be (which I seriously doubt). IMO even a republican would be an improvement, but I'd sure like to get an actual Democrat into that seat.

I'm almost 100 miles from Fresno but I'd come and help if I wasn't having eye surgery the day before. I'm supposed to stay off my feet for a week afterward.
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padia Donating Member (355 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-02-10 11:05 PM
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2. we are not taking dems out of CD19
we were wanting to do the registering in CD19. To send the message that we have the county & your next. Sorry for the confusion, hope all goes well for you with your surgery. Thanks for your thought of help, send a friend who owes you a favor.
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padia Donating Member (355 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-05-10 09:52 AM
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3. for those who have Facebook
the Central committee has a page "Friends of Fresno Democrats" that can be used to RSVP.
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padia Donating Member (355 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-13-10 09:17 AM
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4. got this in my mailbox

from the state party, it was originally formatted in their cute logo box. Also heard an anti Pombo group is sending out a mailer. Anyways hope to see some of you Saturday.

Please help us make history this weekend by turning Fresno County Blue!

Fresno County, long regarded as the heart of Red California, is on the brink of turning Blue! With tremendous effort, Fresno now has a registration difference of under 500 voters. Turning Fresno officially “blue” is within reach if we all work together. In addition, we can set the stage to help our Democratic candidates win the now open seat in Congressional District 19, as well as helping our State Senate and Assembly candidates. Let’s show the GOP, Jeff Denham, Richard Pombo and the others that Fresno WILL NOT END UP in the GOP column this November!

If we can all take a few hours to dedicate to registering Democrats together we can make history!

The canvass will be held Saturday, January 16th, with activists meeting at 1304 East Olive Avenue in Fresno. We will meet at 11 am and walk until we hit our goal (or until 5 p.m.). Please let us know you can join us by RSVP’ing to

Thank you for taking time out to make history in Fresno!

Paid for by the California Democratic Party
1401 21st Street, Suite 200, Sacramento CA 95811
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
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