I just received in the mail a letter from the "Title Compliance - Records Retrieval Division" located in Phoenix, Az. This letter states: Notice for Maricopa County Property Owners. Public records show that a Property Deed was recorded on your property; this indicates there is ownership in the property located at: And my address listed.
At the time of purchase or refinancing of you property, a deed was created that shows the title was transferred to you. This deed was recorded by Maricopa County Clerk.
Title Compliance recommends that property owners should have a current copy of their Property Deed. If you do not already have this important document, you should obtain it now. This document provides a record that your property was legally transferred to you. It shows you have ownership interest in the property and most of all; you are the just owner of the property.
To obtain a current copy of your Property Deed, complete the order form below and return it in the enclosed envelop with your processing fee of one hundred fifty seven dollars payable to: Title Compliance
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO ASSURE PROMPT PROCESSING RETURN NO LATER THAN THE REQUESTED DEADLINE Make check or money order for $157.00 payable to Title Compliance. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This may be our only notice to you. Title Compliance will obtain a current copy of your Property Deed from the County Recorder's Office and mail it to you. Title Compliance will take approximately 30 days to process your application; do not delay obtain a copy now.
Refund Policy: If for any reason Title Compliance is unable to obtain a current copy of your Property Deed and mail it to you, you will immediately receive a full refund, all other refunds must be requested in writing via USPS along with reason for cancellation before our processing service is completed. Title Compliance is a private non-governmental company, nor government endorsed. We help homeowners obtain important property documents they must have.
FEE PAYMENT DEADLINE (DATE --- $157.00) MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO TITLE COMPLIANCE To assure prompt processing return prior to Please write the APN Assessor's Number on the check or money order. deadline.
As an owner of the real property identified on the from of this authorization, I authorize Title Compliance obtain a copy of my Property Deed.
Additional information listed below for you to sign and mail out to the address of the company. ................................................................................................................
I called the number listed on the letter and it went straight to voice-mail. I then searched for other such information online and found this post. I then contacted the Better Business Bureau's complaint line for possible identity theft. The agent then referred me to: "the office of INSPECTOR GENERAL UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE" fraud department. I left them a message. then began typing this message for all of you to review. The agent at the B.B.B. stated that I was the 2nd. person she had spoken with today and I gave her the link to this site. They are researching for additional information to find if this in fact is a legitimate business. "I" feel by the way the letter or notice was typed and by the message I left on the Title Compliance answering machine that this was and is a fraudulent letter and that "I" in hopes/hope that our own service, of state government, stop the company if in fact, it is a company, in its tracks.
Please if you as stated by the original post from California know of anyone who has a house or is elderly to let them know that such a scam is being sent out and not to mail in for such information. This information retrieval is considered "IDENTITY THEFT". Not only do they make a little cash from you and if you send them your check you have now given them your Routing number and Checking account number so they may find away to access additional funds but you have also given them the ability to keep tabs on your account to find out how much you have in it. By giving the probable information to acquire your deed, which has your personal information on it even though it may be listed as public information they now have the ability to generate greater harassment and trouble for you.
Please do not submit for addition info. As stated by the agent from the B.B.B. and as known already, all info. in that regard can be obtained with PROOF at your COUNTY location office per your state for free or a nominal fee of $6.00.
Do your homework and research. That is what the internet is for.