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Report back from 2pm PCU's yearing on PG& E in Fresno today.

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annm4peace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-26-10 10:34 PM
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Report back from 2pm PCU's yearing on PG& E in Fresno today.
One of my friends was able to go to the 2pm meeting and here is her quick type up.
There is another hearing at 7pm that I will post if she writes it up.

People need to get involved to stop increase rates.


I was at the 2 0'clock PCU hearing on PG & E's request for millions of money to lay gas and electrical lines.( our tax dollars).

Also the hearing was on the rate hike that PG $ E requested, but we were not to speak to anything else since there were other hearings to be held regarding the SMART meters and Prop 16 etc.

I wondered how to address my complain without mentioning Smart meters? I noticed the others stating what they needed disregarding Judge Wong's initiate statements. I did the same.

In addition I brought up the article that Attorney George L. Strasser who did a bit of research into the cost of Electricity.

I read the first two sentences of the summation-
Most cities have tiered rates. Tucson has three tiers. Its highest tier is reached after 3,500 KWh, when the rate goes up to 11.3 cents per kilowatt hour. That's less than Fresno's lowest tier.

I concurred that Mr. Shepherd and Mr. ? had voiced many concerns that were mine as well and I closed with I was in disagreement with the rate hike.

On the way out Channel 47 asked to speak to me....I told them I was very angry and could not talk too well. They insisted that I speak. I repeated my statements to the Judge and added that I did not think many of the people in my area would complain about any hikes since they were the Novo-rich . They, unfortunately , love high bills. It makes them feel that they are wealthy.

The second hearing will be at 7 p.m. tonight....Wednesday, May 26th at the STATE Bldg.

Here is what she had to say of electricity.

When I came here 30 years ago my high bill in the Los Angeles area was $25.00. Due to the extreme temperatures I had to learn how to set the heater and the air conditioner.
I am a frugal person and so do not use the heater for more than a couple of months. I use the air conditioner for about one hour per day unless I have company. When I went on average billing, I was charged $144 a month . This was based on my December bill when I do lots of entertaining, cooking, and baking. I did not think to ask them to average the previous years bills to charge me. I let it go since I noticed that there was a variance in
balance each month. Some months $75.00 and once $45.00. On the Smart-meter
I have never had a bill less than $100 a month. Yet I put in energy saving appliances three years ago. I have the water heater on Solar energy and I pull out the clothes after 30 minutes in the dryer. I strew the clothes around the extra bedroom to dry and I also have a drying stand in the garage. Why do I have such high bills?
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JDPriestly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-27-10 03:10 AM
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1. K&R
Vote No on Prop 16.
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