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California License Plates May Go Electronic, Have Ads

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Auggie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-10 08:58 AM
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California License Plates May Go Electronic, Have Ads
Edited on Mon Jun-21-10 09:31 AM by Auggie
June 20, 2010 /

SACRAMENTO -- As electronic highway billboards flashing neon advertisements become more prevalent, the next frontier in distracted driving is already approaching -- ad-blaring license plates.

The California Legislature is considering a bill that would allow the state to begin researching the use of electronic license plates for vehicles. The move is intended as a moneymaker for a state facing a $19 billion deficit.

The device would mimic a standard license plate when the vehicle is in motion but would switch to digital ads or other messages when it is stopped for more than four seconds, whether in traffic or at a red light. The license plate number would remain visible at all times in some section of the screen. In emergencies, the plates could be used to broadcast Amber Alerts or traffic information.

The bill's author, Democratic Sen. Curren Price of Los Angeles, said California would be the first state to implement such technology if the state Department of Motor Vehicles ultimately recommends the widespread use of the plates. He said other states are exploring something similar.



on edit: There isn't much you can put on a license plate that can be read from more than a few feet away. Whatever the message is it would have to be flashed one or two words at a time -- like by seven letters, the current maximum number of letters on a plate. This is a dumb idea and a waste of time. Close tax loopholes on corporations and increase taxes on the wealthy already.
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tularetom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-10 09:14 AM
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1. Dumbest friggin thing I've heard of in a long time
And it's a DEMOCRAT pushing for it too.

We are all screwed. There is no hope.
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shanti Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-10 05:56 PM
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2. "no sir, i don't like it!"
*quoting Mr. Horse*
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Xithras Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-21-10 07:31 PM
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3. A few different (all negative) arguments....
1) If you're hanging an advertisement on my vehicle, I'm legally entitled to compensation under the 5th Amendment. The state can no more require you to place an ad on your car than they can require you to place an ad on your house alongside your street number.

2) A digital plate will require electricity, and most vehicles don't have full time power available at the license plate location. Most vehicles only have power to the plate area when the vehicle lights are on. A digital plate will require full time power. Who will pay for the rewiring?

3) Even if the state covers the cost of the wiring, all electricity in a car is generated by burning gasoline to run the engine and turn the alternator. Will the state compensate the vehicle owners for this ongoing cost?

4) Sign hackers are going to have a FIELD DAY. Within a week of the release of these things, every speeder in the state is going to have a "randomize" feature hacked into their plate, which will allow them to briefly rewrite (or deactivate) their plate when running an intersection with red light cameras. On the less entertaining side, I can see these becoming a road rage nightmare. Our roads are already crazy enough without having a bunch of pissed off jerkwads sending nasty messages to the cars behind them.
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Ernesto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-10 01:05 AM
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4. Issue gun permits with the plate
Makes perfect sense.... Let the culture wars be carried out on the highway.:sarcasm:
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