Dear <pinboy3niner> --
It's outrageous. Just as millions of Californians are about to benefit from provisions in the federal health care law that take effect on Thursday, Anthem Blue Cross is still trying to screw their customers and undermine the law here in California.Anthem is going all-out to fight the implementation of the federal health care reform law here in California. While the public's attention is elsewhere, Anthem is fighting to kill the bills that would set up the state-based "exchanges" that are the heart of the health care law.
Your signatures and calls helped stop Anthem and convinced the state legislature to pass two bills -- AB 1602 and SB 900 -- which establish the health insurance exchanges, enabling you to get affordable health coverage, protected by consumer-friendly regulations.
Now it's up to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to sign these two bills. Anthem is making an all-out effort to get him to veto the insurance exchanges.
If Anthem gets their way, they'll stop you from getting affordable health insurance. They're counting on you to stay silent as they once again destroy reform. That's why I urge you to join me in calling Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's office TODAY and tell him you want affordable health care -- sign AB 1602 and SB 900:
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger: (916) 445-2841Then click here to report the results of your call: is hoping that Meg Whitman will become governor and that Carly Fiorina will become Senator. Whitman, an ally of the health insurers, has said she opposes the federal health care bill. She'll fight consumers on behalf of Anthem and undermine the state-based exchanges. And Fiorina has pledged to join other extremists like Sharron Angle, Rand Paul and Christine O'Donnell in repealing the bill in the US Senate.
That makes today our best opportunity to ensure Californians will get to enjoy the lower costs and stronger regulations of health care reform -- in case extremists like Whitman and Fiorina win the November election and destroy that opportunity.
We need you to call Governor Schwarzenegger TODAY and tell him to sign AB 1602 and SB 900. Tell him to side with Californians, and not with health insurance companies:
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger: (916) 445-2841Then click here to report the results of your call: you for taking a stand against the insurance companies and right-wing extremists.
Robert Cruickshank
Public Policy Director, Courage Campaign
P.S. To learn more about the provisions of the federal health care law that go into effect on Thursday, including protections against rescission and coverage for young adults up to age 26, visit
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