Edited on Mon Nov-01-10 02:44 PM by LaPera
I agree with the unions & progressive democratic liberals like Rep. George Miller - No on 20 and Yes on 27!
Republicans Arnold Schwarzenegger, Pete Wilson & Charles Munger all want a yes vote on 20 and a no vote on 27
Republicans like Arnold & Munger face stiff opposition from progressive Democratic legislators and labor unions.
Judy Chu, a first-term Democratic congresswoman from Los Angeles an many of her colleagues, like Representatives Anna G. Eshoo, Jackie Speier and Michael M. Honda, have given $10,000 each. Nancy Pelosi, the House speaker, has also given $10,000 to NO on Prop 20 & YES on Prop 27.
Mungers obsession with redistricting coincides with his becoming much more active within the elite Republican circles of Northern California.
Republicans believe that the measure may deliver them a political advantage in a state where Democrats have a lock on the Legislature.
Only the usual same people who are always sucked into big money corporate ads like the "Hold Politicians Accountable" bullshit ads, telling people to vote yes on 20 and no on 27 - ads that run night & day 24/7 - These gullible people always fall for these kinds of ads it's truly amazing - Just another republican backed "anonymous" group calling themselves an Orwellian type clichι "Hold Politicians Accountable" - I mean get fucking real! _________________________________________________________________________________________ NO ON PROPOSITION 20 CONGRESSIONAL REDISTRICTING Transfers authority for redistricting congressional districts from the Legislature to the Citizens Redistricting Commission. The Commission, which was established by Proposition 11 (2008), already has redistricting authority for legislative seats and the board of equalization. Major funding support ($3 million) provided by Charles T. Munger, Jr., a physicist whose father, billionaire Charles T. Munger, is vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway.
Rationale for our NO recommendation: Removes accountability for redistricting from the electorate to a bureaucratic commission, a Republican effort to seize 55 electoral votes.
YES on PROPOSITION 22 LOCAL GOVERNMENT Prohibits state from shifting, taking, borrowing, or restricting use of revenues dedicated to local government services, community redevelopment projects, and transportation projects and services. Prohibits the state from delaying distribution of tax revenues for these purposes. Major funding support provided by League of California Cities and California Alliance for Jobs (a group including Associated General Contractors, Operating Engineers, Carpenters Union, and Association of Engineering Construction Employers).
Rationale for our YES recommendation: Protects local services: 911 emergency response, police, fire, libraries, transit, road repairs.
YES on PROPOSITION 27 REPEAL OF REDISTRICTING COMMISSION Eliminates the Citizens Redistricting Commission that was established by Proposition 11 (2008), and returns the job of drawing state legislative and board of equalization districts to the Legislature. Proponent: Daniel H. Lowenstein, UCLA professor of law, former chairman of California Fair Political Practices Commission.
Rationale for our YES recommendation: Stop the Republican power grab; save taxpayer money; return the responsibility to the state legislature.
PROPOSITION 19 MARIJUANA Allows people 21 or older to possess, cultivate, or transport marijuana for personal use, subject to regulation and taxation. Prohibits use in public or when minors are present. Prohibits providing marijuana to anyone under 21. Major funding support ($1.2 million) provided by S. K. Seymour, LLC (a medical cannabis provider), and Oaksterdam University.
Rationale for our YES recommendation: Stops wasting taxpayer dollars on failed marijuana prohibition which disproportionately impacts communities of color; weakens drug cartels.
(Personally, I live and commute to both San Francisco and Humboldt County and I'm voting YES on Prop 19). _______________________________________________________________________________________ BALLOT PROPOSITIONS
Prop 19 (marijuana legalization) YES Prop 20 (congressional redistricting) NO Prop 21 (vehicle license surcharge for parks) YES Prop 22 (protection of local govt. funds) YES Prop 23 (suspension of air pollution control) NO Prop 24 (repeals lower corporate taxes) YES Prop 25 (majority vote for state budget) YES Prop 26 (2/3rds vote for levies/charges) NO Prop 27 (repeals redistricting commission) YES