Californians Need Kamala Harris
For OpEdNews: Ruth Hull - Writer
The California Attorney General is the number one advocate for the people of California. He or she advocates for the people on issues of civil rights, the environment, job discrimination, consumer fraud, election fraud, corporate fraud, crime, and other important issues. Criminal justice is just one of the many areas that the state attorney general handles.
Therefore it is important to look at the backgrounds of Kamala Harris and Steve Cooley on more than one issue.
On the issue of the environment, San Francisco is a green county, thanks in large part to Kamala Harris, who has taken the lead in making sure environmental laws are enforced. Have you ever tried to drink the water in Steve Cooley's county? People and children are dying from high levels of contaminants. Where is the prosecution? The longevity rate there might be higher if Erin Brokovich were the Los Angeles District Attorney.
Civil rights affect everyone. If you are a woman, civil rights means your husband isn't allowed to beat you because you have two X's instead of an X and a Y. If you are a Black or a Latino or a woman, it means you cannot be beaten by the police or they guy next door for the color of your skin or for that second X. If you are a white male, it means that you cannot be denied the right to vote just because you belong to the wrong party.
How do Kamala Harris and Steve Cooley fare on civil rights? Kamala Harris has again taken the lead in establishing programs to end domestic violence in San Francisco. In Los Angeles, women have to watch out for both police harassment and government harassment and the coroner is appreciating the extra business from Steve Cooley's non-handling of domestic violence issues throws his way. Though, in fairness to Cooley, he's not anywhere near as bad as Orange County's Tony Rackauckas on this issue.
On the issue of minority rights, if you are a minority in Los Angeles, hope you have a bulletproof vest to fend off the bullets accidentally fired by the police guns in random directions. The LAPD even kills babies when aiming for older Blacks. Un-prosecutable collateral damage if you listen to Steve Cooley's office. Each year, tens of thousands march in the streets of Los Angeles against police violence. These tens of thousands are usually led by mothers of children killed by police violence. And who could forget the May Day Melee, which cost Los Angeles more than $1.7 million in damages for injuries to minority reporters while Steve Cooley's office let out a big yawn from boredom regarding the matter.
Corporate fraud? Who do you think is backing Steve Cooley? His ads constitute an example of corporate consumer fraud. The people don't get much representation in the county of Los Angeles. When was the last time Cooley went after a corporation for anything? Kamala Harris, on the other hand has made a priority out of protecting people from corporate fraud.
Discrimination issues show a sharp contrast between the candidates. Kamala Harris enforces equal housing and employment legislation designed to prevent discrimination. In Cooley's county, there is lots of employment as long as you are a rich white male. If you are a woman, minority or not rich, stand in line at the unemployment office or expect to be prosecuted on some trumped up charge. Cooley actually arrests respected minority community members, such as Nativo Lopez, for engaging in the same conduct Cooley lets non-minorities engage in as much as they feel like.
Vote fraud? If you are committing it, don't expect to be prosecuted in Los Angeles. In fact, if you live in Los Angeles, don't' expect your vote to be counted at all unless you live in a rich district. Los Angeles County residents are still waiting for the votes to be counted in the 2005 special election. This is 2010.
Los Angeles County continues to be known for voter harassment and intimidation, just as do Orange and San Bernardino Counties. Guess all three counties need a new District Attorney. San Francisco had a dramatic under-vote in 2008, but votes that were known to be cast were counted. Kamala may want to have a discussion with Debra Bowen and Gaven Newsom about why San Francisco forgot to vote that year. Maybe it had something to do with Cindy Sheehan and Nancy Pelosi. Other than that, Kamala Harris has been championing voters' rights and has been working hard to end voter intimidation and harassment. With Kamala as Attorney General, you might not like the outcome of an election, but you won't get beaten up for your vote. You best bet is to vote in another state if Cooley is elected.
Criminal Justice? You can walk though San Francisco at 3 A.M. and feel safe. In broad daylight, write your will before walking through Los Angeles County. In Los Angeles, the whole county is drive-by shooting territory.
Ever notice the light sentences or get out of jail free passes Cooley's office arranges for celebrities? Kamala is even-handed, even when it is not in her political interest to treat everyone with the same standard. She has refused to let pressure from Democratic officials taint her handling of criminal prosecutions.
In the David Hill case, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Jerry Brown and Bill Lockyer used their political influence and pressure to try to demand Kamala handle the criminal case their way. Standing up to these Democratic leaders, Kamala Harris handled the Hill case in accordance with competent criminal prosecution practices. Steve Cooley does not know how to turn down party officials who order him to prosecute this person or that person. Just ask Nativo Lopez who is being prosecuted because he is a third party voter,
In all these issues and more, Kamala believes in representing the people of California. Steve Cooley represents the Republican Party and corporate executives. If you want to fear your neighbor, get shot in a drive-by shooting, choke on toxic fumes and not have your vote counted, feel free to vote for Steve Cooley. If you would like to live in a safe state where you can trust the government to prosecute the bad guys and leave the good guys alone, then there is only one choice. That is Kamala Harris.