And I would add, look to the voting machines!
Even in California, even with a good Sec of State, even with Dems getting elected, we STILL have a nearly totally NON-TRANSPARENT vote counting system, run on 'TRADE SECRET,' PROPRIETARY programming code, owned and controlled largely (80% nationwide) by ONE, PRIVATE, FAR RIGHTWING-CONNECTED CORPORATION--ES&S, which just bought out Diebold.
What this means is that far rightwing corporate moguls can play our system like a piano. They have the easy--EASY!--ability to fix virtually any election in the country, including California's elections. Nationally, they can put an inexperienced Dem in the White House to start taking the blame for the Bush Junta's horrendous thievery, mismanagement and war crimes, inflict him with a 'Blue Dog'/Puke infested Congress, and, combined with the corpo-fascist 'news' narrative about his "failure," prepare for Bush junta II. Thus, the horrors of the Bush Junta get blamed on the Democrats. And they can do something similar in California. They HAVE the capability and power to do this. Whether they've done it or not is anybody's guess because nobody--and I mean NOBODY--can say with certainty who actually won any election in the U.S.
I think that the 2003 CA recall (with 125 candidates on the ballot) was fixed. (I think that that is the real reason that Sec of State Kevin Shelley was driven from office, with all the Dems in the legislature hiding under their desks--because Shelley had sued Diebold and demanded to review their source code, six months before the 2004 (s)election). I think that the anti-gay marriage vote was fixed. I think the MJ vote was fixed (mainly because the war profiteers count on the failed, corrupt, murderous U.S. "war on drugs" as their backup boondoggle to war itself and for nazifying our society and others' societies). I think Obama did win--on the hope of the American people for social justice and peace--but also that he was PERMITTED to win; his mandate was shaved and he was inflicted with a bad Congress, in case he had any illusions about real reform. I think this of Jerry Brown as well--he won, but he was also PERMITTED to win. California's economic situation is similar to national conditions in 2008--a set up for the "liberals" to take the blame, to prepare for installation of an even worse regime in the future. In California, a lot of this has to do with Enron's theft of California's entire government surplus ($10 billion!) back in 2001 (making the lawsuits go away, covering it up, creating terminal forgetfulness), in order to begin the dismantling ("drowning in the bathtub"--Grover Norquist) of the most progressive state in the union.
But, again, my theories about these developments--which are based on detailed study of our election system, election results and related matters--are not really the point. The point is that WE DON'T KNOW--we CAN'T know--who or what won the majority of votes in any election. We are barred, by law, from reviewing the 'TRADE SECRET' code by which all of our votes are tabulated. And even in California the audit/recount controls on this system are pathetic. Until 'we the people' correct this--throw out these 'TRADE SECRET' voting machines and restore vote counting IN THE PUBLIC VENUE--we don't really have a democracy.