That's a good question. In the 2008 primaries the top two vote getters were Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton, if Prop 14 had been in effect in Nov '08 then the race for the California presidential election would have been between Obama and Clinton, with McCain not even on the ballot. While this is amusing to consider back during that time frame it brings up an interesting point today.
With Obama causing a mass rift between his base, and the potential for a strong turnout from Republican voters during a primary that potentially will decide between Palin and a more moderate Republican, we could see very high turnout on the right. This combined with a depressed liberal turnout, and a possible set of primary protest votes against Obama, this situation could lead to having two Republican candidates on the ballot in Nov '12, and quite possibly a red state outcome. Some would then think that a write in campaign would be successful in this case, pointing to the Alaska election between Murkowski and Miller. However a hidden provision in Prop 14 eliminates the write in option, and is the subject of a pending lawsuit filed on July 29, 2010.