(I just received this in an email.. the meeting already happened.)
this should not be allowed to happen.. the Developers have been controlling the Fresno County and Fresno City gov for decades and it doesn't seem to stop. The citizens must call their Supervisors and see where the stand on more development.
The Fresno County Board of Supervisors will hear a development proposal on Tuesday December 7th, 2010 for the Friant Community Plan Update and the Friant Ranch Specific Plan. This project expands the boundary of the Friant Community Plan to encompass a privately developed ‘New Town’ with 2,966 new residences and 250,000 sq/ft of commercial space. The project if approved will increase the population of Friant ten-fold drawing more residents out of our communities and into leapfrog developments nearly 20 miles away from the urban core of Fresno . Roughly 92% of the new development will be age-restricted to 55 and older and enforced through a homeowners association. This proposal is not consistent with the County’s General Plan or the Blueprint planning as it is far outside the Fresno/Clovis Sphere of Influence which still has over 23,000 acres of undeveloped land. With growth rates of 1-2% this project may struggle to meet its intended growth projections of 15 years, as projects proposing thousands of units adjacent to this have been approved for decades without yet breaking ground.
Without adequate regional and environmental planning, this project will have real impacts to the San Joaquin River . Friant Ranch proposes discharging nearly 1 million gallons of stormwater and wastewater per day to the San Joaquin River . This treated wastewater carries with it harmful chemicals like pharmaceuticals and landscape chemicals that can impact fish. The San Joaquin River Restoration Program anticipates the return of salmon by 2012, however, these efforts may be hampered if this and other projects in the vicinity are approved without regard for the spawning salmon and their sensitive eggs. It is not only the salmon that are impacted by this proposal, riparian habitats, vernal pools, ephemeral creeks, and the County’s greatest concentration of endangered and threatened species could be lost if the project is approved.
Please come out to the Board hearing and express your opposition to the project. Without a proper cumulative impact study, adequate wastewater treatment, and other mitigations for agricultural land loss, air quality, and traffic impacts, we are allowing another taxpayer boondoggle. Just travel down Golden State, the Fulton Mall, or Chinatown and ask yourself if we really need another development 20 miles North of town mining our existing residents and leaving behind vacancies.
Chris Acree
Revive the San Joaquin