for 2 decades Hate Radio station KMJ has been spewing their hate rhedoric. Just like many stations all across this country.
Central California is a very conservative area with some rich people but a whole lot of poor people.
There is a small but constantly growing group of progressives. throughout the years people have tried to stop the hate spewing on the airwaves.. and they were attacked for their actions.
Last year they again organized and started another campaign to try and stem the hate radio.
Feel frustrated by the Tucson shooting. Do something. Even if you don't live in Fresno, CA.. sign their petition, and if you are able donate some money to help them get the word out.
and support similiar groups in your area, and write letters to the editors, to your Congress members.
Please sign their petition Here is a sample of a local host on KMJ (they also have Hannity, Savage, and Limbaugh)
Mark Levin (5 hrs per week, Monday-Friday 9-10 p.m.)
Levin makes no bones about his hatred for President Obama, liberals and the Democratic Party. He often refers to the President and Democrats as "lying bastards." He calls Obama a "Chicago pimp" and vows that "...we will do whatever is necessary to stop Obama and his crowd from destroying our country." Levin is no stranger to Fresno. In the early 80's a major community rally was held to protest Levin's appearance at Fresno City College after he published a book in which he argued that blacks were genetically inferior to whites. Levin's show is laced with profanity on a nightly basis. He is famous for belittling callers who disagree with him with a "get off the phone, you big dummy."
Some typical Levin slurs: "Let me break this down for you, folks, Barack Hussein Obama has a hate on for Israel. He always did. And he has surrounded himself with anti-Semites." (4-14-10)
Of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: "He is the Mussolini of the sick man." (12-21-09)
Of Former Vice President Al Gore: "...the Jim Jones of the environmental movement." (12-14-09)