Duane Campbell, from the Sacramento Progressive Alliance, and the Choosing Democracy blog, sent California Gov. Jerry Brown an alternative budget proposal, in response to the request for budget suggestions he made in his State of the State speech. He notes that California now ranks 47th among all states in per-pupil spending, ($2,856 less per pupil than the national average) and correctly argues that we need to increase educational spending, not cut it or even keep it steady.
His Specific Proposals:
(1) Enforce the current California law taxing the sales of goods by out of state companies ( such as Amazon) over the internet. Gain: $1.2 billion. There is already legislation to do this.
(2) Pass the $10.1 billion jobs package as proposed in the Assembly last year. This would pay off debts to local governments and keep teachers in classrooms to avoid massive layoffs. Pay for the Jobs package with a new oil severance tax. California is the only oil producing state in the country that imposes no taxes on the pumping of oil. The proposed tax was to be 6% of the sales price of oil. Alaska and Louisiana both charge 12.5%
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