As you may already know, Congresswoman Jane Harman recently announced that she is leaving the U.S. House of Representatives after serving the 36th District for 16 years.
I know the 36th Congressional District well: It includes my home, as well as most of the people I represented during my time in the California State Legislature. So I'm very seriously weighing whether I should run for Congress.
It's a big decision. I'm thinking carefully about it, talking it over with my family, friends, and supporters, and I certainly want to know what longtime friends and supporters like you think, too.
Click here if you think I should run for Congress!
Should I run for Congress? I've been truly moved by the strong outpouring of support from everyone who has encouraged me to run for Congress this week. I can't thank you enough for your support.
I'm currently weighing all the factors involved in this important decision,the most critical of which is where I can be most effective in moving California forward.
I'm so proud of the work I've done as Secretary of State. We've made great strides over the past four years in making our voting systems as secure, accurate, reliable, and accessible as possible, while facilitating job creation by speeding online processing of documents related to starting and managing California businesses.
But we face crucial challenges at the national level as well, the first and foremost of which is working to create jobs and jump-start our struggling economy.
That's why I want to hear from you.
If you want me to run for Congress, please click here to show your support - and share your comments with me as well!
Should I run for Congress? The decision about whether to run for Congress is not an easy one. If I decide to run for Congress and am elected, I would no longer be California's Secretary of State.
That's why I want to know what you think before I make a final decision:
Should I run for Congress? Thank you again for your support. I wouldn't be in the position to make this decision without you.
Debra Bowen
P.S. Once you've let me know what you think, please forward this email to your friends so that they can weigh in, too!
Should I run for Congress? Paid for by Bowen Congressional Exploratory Committee