INTRODUCED BY Assembly Member Ammiano
FEBRUARY 15, 2011
An act to add Section 11376.5 to the Health and Safety Code,
relating to controlled substances.
Existing law, the California Uniform Controlled Substances Act,
classifies controlled substances into 5 designated schedules, with
the most restrictive limitations generally placed on controlled
substances classified in Schedule I, and the least restrictive
limitations generally placed on controlled substances classified in
Schedule V. Existing law generally provides punishment for the
unauthorized use, possession, and sale of controlled substances.
This bill would provide that it shall not be a crime for any
person who experiences a drug-related overdose, as defined, who, in
good faith, seeks medical assistance, or any other person who, in
good faith, seeks medical assistance for the person experiencing a
drug-related overdose, to be under the influence of, or to possess
for personal use, a controlled substance, controlled substance
analog, or drug paraphernalia, under certain circumstances related to
a drug-related overdose that prompted the seeking of medical
assistance if that person does not obstruct medical or law
enforcement personnel.
(complete bill, as introduced, at)