with the help of 2 powerful republicans
Reporting from Sacramento and Los Angeles
It's drive-time in Los Angeles, and that means radio hosts John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou are riffing about state politicians.
Within a matter of moments, they refer to various lawmakers as "traitorous pigs," "con artist" and "Republican dirt bag." They use gruesome sound effects to suggest the mounting of one legislator's head on a stake — his entry into the duo's hall of shame.
The KFI-AM personalities, whose frequent targets are taxes, labor unions and illegal immigrants, not only reach more listeners than any other non-syndicated talk show in California but also have the ear — and fear — of Sacramento's minority party.
"There is nary a conversation about the budget that does not involve the names John and Ken," said Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento), the state Senate leader, who says the pair complicate his party's negotiations with Republicans.
Yes, the voters of this state are being held hostage by two right wing radio hosts, with the assistance of state Republican Party official and blogger Jon Fleischman and Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn.
Every statewide office is held by Democrats. The Democrats are just a few votes short of a 2/3 majority in the legislature.
And a couple of radio talk show hosts, a blogger, and an anti-tax crusader hold the balance of power - none of them elected