SB 676 passed 5-1 in the Ag Committee. Next it goes to the Public Safety Committee.
Last Action:
# 04/05/11: From committee: Do pass and re-refer to Com. on PUB. S. (Ayes 5. Noes 1. Page 540.) (April 5). Re-referred to Com. on PUB. S. 676, the California Industrial Hemp farming Act, passed the Senate Agriculture Committee with a 5-1, bipartisan vote. The bill would permit California farmers to grow industrial hemp for the sale of seed, oil and fiber to manufacturers. Hemp, which has no psychoactive qualities, is already legally imported into the United States for commercial use. SB 676 is sponsored by Vote Hemp and Hemp Industries Association and supported by the California State Grange and California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF).{F0DFD1A5-1C7B-4F09-9F09-C48A423D1072}&DE={F9265427-4A04-46B4-8E92-4A0BC78044D8}