Now the modern-day robber barons want to pay for rate cuts to people who air-condition huge homes in the 100-degree Central Valley summers by socking it to the poor!
From Disability Rights Advocates, a public interest law firm:
PG&E has proposed to substantially increase the amount of revenue it collects from low-income residential customers on CARE by making multiple changes to its residential rates. Virtually all of the money would then be used to reduce rates for those residential customers who use the most energy, including those who run pool equipment and air condition large houses in the Central Valley.
First, PG&E has proposed adding a new monthly “customer charge,” an additional fee on every bill. Next, PG&E has proposed adding a new higher rate category, known as a “tier” for CARE customers, and then increasing the rate charged in this new tier each year.
:grr: :banghead: :argh:
A hearing on this bilge is to take place Thursday morning the 5th, 10 am, at the CPUC offices at 505 Van Ness (at McAllister) in The City.