(05-20) 18:23 PDT OAKLAND --
A man named in Oakland's proposed civil gang injunction in the Fruitvale neighborhood was arrested for allegedly trying to sell two assault weapons, authorities said Friday.
Joseph Coombs, 37, believed he was selling two high-powered assault weapons as part of a street deal, police said. But it was actually Oakland police who arranged the purchase in a sting operation, said Cynthia Perkins, a department spokeswoman.
Acting on a tip, officers set up a transaction with Coombs on Thursday to buy the two weapons - an AK-47 and a Mac-10 - on Cuthbert Avenue, police said.
Coombs was arrested about 5:30 p.m. The two weapons were recovered, police said.
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http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/05/20/BAVM1JJ2AB.DTLSo do you think that the injunction will continue to be effective in suppressing guns and preventing violent crimes?