Napa Valley Register / 6-5-2011
Napa’s Congressman Mike Thompson could find himself running in a substantially new district if the first draft of maps in California’s redistricting process hold up.
Members of the 14-person Citizens Redistricting Commission issued preliminary “visualizations” last week of what California’s Assembly, state Senate and Congressional districts might look like for the next decade.
The new district lines are not official — or even draft — maps, but staff renderings incorporating the commission’s discussions and public testimony up to this point.
Though they are an early step in the process, the visualizations will form the basis of the direction given to the commission’s line-drawer next week, making them the best approximation of what new districts might look like when drafts are released Friday.
Wine industry efforts to keep the North Coast Appellation united are falling on deaf ears -- this drives a stake right through it. And The Central Valley couldn't be more different than Napa Valley.
District One would still skew Democratic but with less of a majority. And the North Coast wine industry loses some clout in Washington, something Blue Dog Mike Thompson has represented fairly well.
Smells "barnyard" to me...