will only be meeting with his Tea Party Constituents during the break and that's in Modesto. Nothing wrong with Modesto, of course, but he ALSO represents parts of Fresno -- population 510,000+. I just find it interesting that he would not visit his most populated city and not meet with anyone but Nutbaggers. I felt it my duty to write him a letter on the subject:
Dear Congressman Denham:
I understand you will be meeting with your Tea Party constituency in Modesto. I was just wondering if there were any plans to meet with the rest of your constituency? Perhaps an environment in which you can have an honest exchange with non-Tea-Party-affiliated persons and one in which you are not surrounded by those who are your loyal followers in what will be no more than a pep/fundraising rally.
Those of us who make up the REST of your constituency would appreciate the chance to have an open, honest, courteous, dialogue with you. Will you be affording that opportunity to them/us or will you keep your local interaction only with those of your particular brand of conservatism? I look forward to your response.
Thanks in advance, LTH