(these progressives bravely continue to swim against the current, a current that can be violent at times in a conservative controlled Central CA Valley )
Four Peace Fresno activists are in Washington DC’s Freedom Plaza to take part in protests starting October 6, calling for an end to militarism and corporatism.
Peace Fresno has called for four one-hour demonstrations in solidarity with the protests in Washington DC. The “Occupy Wall Street” movement, which started on September 17 is now in its 19th day.
This is a grassroots democratic movement inspired by the Arab Spring, protests that happened in the Middle East.
Events in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street are springing up in cities all over the country.
A few groups have decided to start “Occupy Fresno” protests coinciding with Peace Fresno’s one-hour demonstrations.
Peace Fresno has endorsed the October 6 Freedom Plaza action in Washington DC; we support and stand in solidarity with the nonviolent protests at Wall Street, in other US cities and here in Fresno.
We are in solidarity with the 99% of the people who oppose the corruption, greed and control of our government by the 1% of the elite.
End Militarism and Corporatism
“October2011”www.october2011.org protests at Freedom Plaza, Washington, DC. Demand an end to militarism and corporatism
Four one-hour solidarity demonstrations in Fresno!
Thursday, October 6 & Friday, October 7, 4:30 – 5:30 (both days) Federal Building, 2500 Tulare St. at O St., Fresno
Saturday, October 8 & Sunday, October 9, 1:00 -2:00 (both days) River Park Shopping, N Blackstone & El Paso Ave, Fresno
(559) 487-2515 www.peacefresno.org
October 2011 will mark the start of the 11th year of the invasion of Afghanistan and the onset of the 2012 US federal budget, which provides unlimited funds for war and corporate welfare, yet withholds essential funds for services that meet human needs.
Starting on October 6, 2011, thousands of concerned Americans will assemble in Freedom Plaza in Washington DC to take control of our country and our lives. They will OCCUPY THE PLAZA and hold a People's Assembly where we come up with just and sustainable solutions to the crises we face and demand that these solutions be presented and that the people's needs be addressed. They will plan and engage in creative acts of civil resistance and demand that our inherent rights and freedoms be protected.
Will you denounce the systems and institutions that support endless war and unrestrained corporate greed? Together we can create the future we envision of peace, justice and equality.
Will you stand here in Fresno in solidarity with the demonstrators and their demands joining Peace Fresno during one or all of the events listed above? --Dan Yaseen, Peace Fresno