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Occupy San Diego protest begins

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struggle4progress Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-07-11 06:47 PM
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Occupy San Diego protest begins
Written by
Elizabeth Aguilera
3:53 p.m., Oct. 7, 2011

Protesters kicked off Occupy San Diego Friday at 3:30 p.m. as they gathered to march from Children’s Park to Civic Center Plaza downtown for a rally.

The demonstration, which is planned to last indefinitely, reflects similar protests that have taken hold across the country in other cities, including Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston and Seattle. The protests have been roused by the Occupy Wall Street movement ongoing in New York.

The movement is in protest of the global financial corruption currently invading politics, media and corporations, organizers have said.

“The way the financial industry and the banks and big money have infiltrated our political system is completely unfair,” said Mike Geck, 38, who is on the planning committee. “The waterfall of money flowing into the political campaign coffers has drowned out the voice of the average working person. Up until this point we have not been heard.” ...
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struggle4progress Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-07-11 07:08 PM
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1. SDPD Asst. Chief explains Occupy SD response strategy

By Dave Maass
Assistant Chief Boyd Long of the San Diego Police Department answered a few last-minute questions for us as the Occupy San Diego protesters prepare to march ...

CityBeat: What can we expect from the SDPD?

Boyd Long: What you always expect from us and that's good, professional service. Our goal is to provide anyone that wants to go out and exercise their First Amendment right, freedom of speech, that they have the venue to do that as long as they don't infringe on the rights of other people, as long as they don't cause destruction, harm to someone. We're going to be out there to make sure that they have the ability to get their message across. We're going to make it safe for them and safe for everybody else ...
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