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PIctures from the City of Fresno's assault on those who are HOmeless

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annm4peace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-30-11 03:18 PM
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PIctures from the City of Fresno's assault on those who are HOmeless

You probably know about the cold-hearted destruction of the homeless encampment on Santa Fe Ave. Thursday. Former residents are now in need of many things; you can help. Rose Arrellano, our courageous WILPF intern is our contact person, helping to get much-needed items to former residents of the Santa Fe collective.
Items needed:
sleeping bags
dog food
warm clothing
Any other camp items

We will be happy to pick up items, or you can drop them off. Call 439-0280 or 307-6248. Thanks!

The greatest challenge of the day is: how to bring about a revolution of the heart, a revolution which has to start with each one of us.
- Dorothy Day

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annm4peace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-30-11 04:45 PM
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1. Please send an email to State of CA officials

Gov Jerry Brown

Lt Gov Gavin Newsom

Attorney General Harris

Here is a sample.

How can the State of CA continue to allow the City of Fresno abuse the Human Right of it's citizens ? I am sickened to see what the State of CA continues to allow the City do to its most vunerable. For 10 years they have been tearing down and trashing people who are homeless last possessions. The City officials lie to the public when they say they are helping them. They might help 1% and then abuse the rest. Mike Rhodes has documented this for at least 10 years in his local "Community Allance". I had hoped with a Democrat controlled Government it would stop. How sad it hasn't. Please help.

I'm attaching one of the postings I have put out there hoping someone would help.

Also here is Mike's articles for the past 10 years. It is inhumane

and the progressive's press conference before the recent trashing.

Please do something to stop this or more homeless people will die.
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