We are the 99%
Occupy Fresno needs your help!
Nov. 6th – 15 peaceful protesters arrested by 40 cops in riot gear
Nov. 7th – 9 peaceful protesters arrested by 35 cops in riot gear
Nov. 8th – 8 peaceful protesters arrested by 30 cops in riot gear
What the heck is going on?!
We are being illegally arrested for engaging in nonviolent civil disobedience as protected under the First Amendment right of the Constitution. We will not be coerced into submission, we are not going away, and we will not be silenced. Our voices will be heard. Arrestees are students, teachers, retirees, veterans, retail workers, independent business owners, parents, and grandparents. We are straights and gays, people of color, poor and middle class.
PLEASE JOIN US NOT MERELY AS A “SUPPORTER” BUT AS AN ACTIVE PARTICIPANT IN A GLOBAL MOVEMENT TO END CORPORATE DOMINATION AND POLITICAL CORRUPTION. We are asking all of you to please consider taking your turn to stand up for basic constitutional liberties. You will not be arrested if you don’t want to. You have an option at midnight to move to the sidewalk and be safe. However, if you choose to, arrests will take place shortly after midnight and you will be released around 3 or 4 AM. You will be joining in a global movement with your brothers and sisters.
The United States is in the worst recession since the Great Depression.
1 in 5 U.S. citizens are now unemployed 1 in 8 U.S. citizens Food Stamps 1 in 8 Mortgages in the U.S. are in Default or foreclosure 46.2 million U.S. citizens lived in poverty in 2010, a majority of them children 49.9 million U.S. citizens lack health insurance The top 1% now take almost 25% of the nation’s income The top 1% control 36% of the nation’s wealth, a greater share of wealth than the bottom 90% Hedge fund manager John Paulson made more than $5 billion in personal profits last year; the jaw-dropping figure works out to roughly $159 rolling in every single second for a year.
Come out the Courthouse Park tonight in Downtown Fresno and stand up for justice!!! General Assembly starts at 6PM and arrests start at Midnight. Come have fun!!
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world” – Margaret Mead