Boy, that didn't take long... whistle-blower who alleged that a San Francisco property-management company was laundering contributions to Mayor Ed Lee's campaign has been fired and threatened with eviction, an e-mail from another of his employers shows.
The whistle-blower's attorney says the actions are retaliation for the man revealing to The Chronicle that employees at Archway Property Services were allegedly directed to donate the $500 maximum to Lee and then reimbursed by the company in violation of state and local laws.
"This is a termination that we view as absolutely and completely retaliatory," said Nanci Clarence, an attorney for the man. "They've canned the guy in every way they possibly can. This is really outrageous."
An executive for the Laramar Group, which employed the man as an on-site property manager, said its decision to fire him two days after The Chronicle reported the money-laundering allegations had nothing to do with information he provided about Archway Property Services, another of the whistle-blower's employers.