There are two rallies planned in San Diego to protest the media blackout of voting fraud stories. Our local newspaper and TV stations have had virtually no coverage of the mounting evidence of electronic vote tampering in numerous states, the Ohio recount, or other serious issues relating to the integrity of our voting process. SUNDAY DECEMBER 5th: 1-3 p.m. Horton Plaza (near the corner of 4th St. & Broadway, downtown) THURSDAY DECEMBER 9th: 4-5 p.m. in front of the Union-Tribune on Camino Reina in Mission Valley Also, there will be a SIGN-MAKING PARTY on FRIDAYD, DECEMBER 3rd from 6:30-9:30 p.m. at the Activist San Diego Center, 4246 Wightman, San Diego (1 block west of 43rd St., 1 block south of University). Come join in and help us make signs to use for both events! Bring supplies, such as foam-core board or heavy poster board, washable tempura paint & brushes/poster markers, and yardsticks or other sign holders. There will be info flyers to pass out to passerbys at the rally. Cheryl Ede, founder of CITIZENS FOR WATCH DOG MEDIA (WDM) is organizing the Union-Tribune rally. She is contacting Stacy Taylor at Air America to see if he will come speak at the event. Contact Cheryl at cmede@san.rr.com Join with other San Diegans and "Be the Media!" The Horton Plaza Event is organized by VOTERR (Voices for Open and Truthful Election Results and Reform), another San Diego-based organization. VOTERR's announcement reads: "There are too many reasons to question the November 2nd election results! Fair access and other rights of voters have been violated. We must fight this scandal or it will happen yet again. People are coming together across our nation to fight the attacks on our voting rights and get the true election results now. (See recent Denver rally at The Denver Voice 11/20, Denver Election Protest Rally; the Rev. Jesse Jackson headlining a rally in Columbus OH on Nov. 28th, and 11/29 Rally in San Francisco: Stolen Electoin 2004 Alerts.) The mainstream media are not covering this story sufficiently, so we need to "Be the Media" by drawing attention to ongoing investigations and reporting, such as BlackBoxVoting.org, the Ohio recount by the Greens/Libertarians/Ohio Democratic Party, Common Cause, and the investigation recently opened by the General Accountability Office (GAO), a nonpartisan arm of the U.S. Congress. Please pass this announcement along, so we can have a presence which cannot be ignored! Demonstrations in other cities are working. Even in areas with conservative media, newspapers and TV stations are beginning to cover electoral fraud and question whether Bush's election is legitimate--after protests were held to draw public attention to the issues. Here are some ideas for signs: Vote Free or Die Bold Election Fraud Media Blackout Veterans Did Not Die for Rigged Elections The Fox is guarding the Voting Coup Correct Electile Dysfunction George Orwell 1984: War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength George W. 2004: Peace thru War Liberation thru Occupation Power thru Disinformation It's Not Who Votes, but Who Counts the Vote Ohio Recount: Where's the News? Republicans Own Voting Machines That Stole Our Votes!