Schwarzenegger and his team want to change the way California's political districts are drawn, put a limit on spending, and more.
By Peter Nicholas, Times Staff Writer
SACRAMENTO — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his top advisors, meeting privately to plan an agenda for his second year in office, may call a special election that could upend the state's political order, redrawing legislative and congressional district boundaries, curbing spending and revamping the bureaucracy.
Schwarzenegger would embrace various ballot measures that would be voted on in a special election and bill them as a "reform" package meant to make Sacramento more accountable.
The governor has not yet agreed to call an election, and there are tactical reasons why he may be reluctant.
Schwarzenegger may first try to see which pieces of his plan he can push through the Democratic-controlled Legislature, according to members of his political team. And he could use the prospect of an election as leverage to persuade lawmakers to yield — a tactic he has employed successfully in the past.