Monday, December 13, 2004 San Diego, California.
Member of VOTERR (Voices for Open and Truthful Election Results) stood today outside the Federal Court House during a vigil for the election. Speaker addressed the people on the issues of multiple irregularities during the Ohio election in particular, though the Main Stream Media that showed up did ask questions about the Mayor’s race. I know there is a recount ongoing, but much needs to be done.
The vigil started at seven in the morning and ended at one in the afternoon, and I am happy to report that at least fifteen people were present at all times, with a total of fifty people showing throughout the day. There was an open line, and some of the most poignant moments came when an old lady walked to the demonstration at the end of the day. She was in her eighties and started telling us her horror story. Her ballot was not inserted into the box at the precinct, and they did it because she was a Democrat. Moreover, she was almost moved to tears realizing that people are not taking this lying down. She was grateful to us, in fact, for she came to this country fifty years ago, and this time they even demanded to see proof of citizenship.
Overall I would qualify this as a success. The point was made, repeatedly, about Ohio’s irregularities and how this is not a partisan issue. This is truly a matter of civil rights and the future of the nation.
Main Stream Media Present: Channel 10 (ABC Affiliate), Channel 17 (Univision Affiliate and finally Channel Six our local Fox