Our itinerary: We get in first thing Friday morning and have tickets to Universal Studios where they're having a special "Longhorn Bash" with the band, cheerleaders, etc. Staying in Glendale. Tickets and parking pass to the Rose Parade but I now find out that we can't keep the car in the lot till after the game so maybe we need to park at the stadium instead and walk to the parade? Our seats are in the 200 block of W. Colorado. Then the Texas Exes Tailgate Party at the driving range near the Rose Bowl and then the game. We leave first thing Sunday morning.
My concern is that we will be getting up at 1:45 a.m. PST to catch our flight out of Austin. Universal Studios closes at 9 p.m. and I guess there's a big outdoor New Year's Eve bash in the vicinity but I just don't see us staying up for nearly 24 hours. I was thinking we'd hang out at Universal Studios till late afternoon and then go check in at the hotel and take a nap. If we do that, any suggestions for some place to go to dinner in the Glendale area New Year's Eve? Or maybe we'll just order pizza and rest up for New Year's Day? I've also heard that even though we have tickets, we should still plan to get to the parade at around 6 a.m.
When I mapped out the route on Maps On Us, they have us getting from Glendale to Pasadena by taking the 134 to the 2 up to the 210 and back south rather than taking the 134 the whole way. Does that make sense?
And finally, what's the buzz about all this rain? I did get some Longhorn slickers just in case! Is it still possible to enjoy Universal Studios in the rain? Is there any chance the parade will be cancelled? I heard it hasn't rained on the parade since 1955, the year we were born!
Thanks, Y'all! We're really looking forward to the trip, rain and all! Nice to be in a blue state for a change! :D