Today’s S.F. Chronicle reports that Governor Schwarzenegger is pushing ahead with his plans to gerrymander California. “In his second State of the State speech, the popular Republican governor will threaten to go directly to the voters in a special election this year if lawmakers do not approve his initiatives. He is expected to call a special legislative session to push his plans while he lays the groundwork for a possible fall election,” the Chronicle reports.
WE MUST TAKE ACTION NOW TO STOP SCHWARZENEGGER FROM TAKING AWAY OUR REPRESENTATION IN CONGRESS & THE LEGISLATURE! HERE'S HOW: Please ask any Democratic Clubs and other progressive organizations in which you are a member to endorse the following resolution and send it to Governor Schwarzenegger. A Progressive Liaisons Committee is being organized to coordinate efforts among progressive groups statewide. Please notify writerink@cox.net when your organization has endorsed this resolution, and forward it to other California progressives.
RESOLUTION TO PREVENT GERRYMANDERING OF CALIFORNIA’S CONGRESSIONAL & STATE LEGISLATIVE DISTRICTS We, the members of (name of organization) are deeply concerned about the dangers posed by one-party rule in our nation’s executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Therefore, we believe it is imperative to protect the integrity of California’s Congressional and State Legislative districts. We resolve to vigorously oppose all efforts to gerrymander our State’s Congressional or Legislative districts through reapportionment aimed at depriving Democrats and Progressives of offices in Congress as well as in California’s State Senate and Assembly. We further resolve that if Governor Schwarzenegger pressures our State Legislators to gerrymander California, or if the Governor attempts to betray the Democratic majority of voters by supporting a ballot initiative to tamper with Calfornia’s Congressional or Legislative districts, our organization will join with other California progressive groups to take the following action:
1. Immediately launch a petition drive to place a “Recall Schwarzenegger” initiative on the ballot,
2. Launch a fund-raising drive to support this effort, and
3. Initiate a vigorous publicity campaign to inform the public about our Governor’s leadership failings, including his deceptive attempt to rob Democrats—California’s majority party—of power in Congress and the State Legislature.