Thank you for writing to me about voter confidence in elections. I appreciate hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to respond.
A number of bills, which address the issue of voter confidence, have been introduced in the 108th Congress. Some bills, such as H.R. 2239 and S. 1980, would require voting machines to produce a permanent paper record so that voters can check the accuracy of their votes and officials can conduct a manual audit or recount should either one be necessary. I am currently reviewing a number of legislative options that have been proposed to ensure an accurate and reliable voting system. As it became clear in recent elections, inadequate voting mechanisms can be detrimental to the integrity of our electoral process. To address voting concerns, such as voter ballot verification and others, I supported the AHelp America Vote Act", which became law December 29, 2002. Among other reforms, the AHelp America Vote Act@ created a new federal Elections Assistance Commission to ensure that all voting technologies are tested for accuracy and to provide procedures for decertification of a technology that is subsequently found to be inadequate. The Commission is also responsible for distributing federal grants to state electorates for improvement of their electoral processes. States still maintain control over election administration, but the law introduces a degree of federal oversight and assistance.
Again, thank you for writing. I hope you will continue to keep me informed on issues of importance to you. Should you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to call my Washington, D.C. staff at (202) 224-3841. Sincerely yours,
Dianne Feinstein United States Senator